Just Beer are delighted to be part of the first Newark Aleoween Festival, in which six of Newark’s pubs feature dark beers to celebrate the spookiness that is Halloween. The festival runs from 29th – 31st October and each pub will have one or more dark offerings to tempt your taste buds with.
As usual, JB has been scouting around to bring you something different from the norm and have come up with these delights:
Grafters – Howler 4.3%. Bark at the Moon! A dark brown traditional bitter, full of malty goodness that will leave you howling for more.
Fownes – Goat Rider 4.8%. A dark and delicious pumpkin ale. Says Fownes about their beer: ‘On a cold Autumn’s night, when then low mists roll over the fens and the moon sits high and bloated in the midnight sky, you may hear a braying in the distance, but that is not the restless shifting of a normal riding goat. No, it is the braying of a hellish steed bearing it’s fiery master about his wicked business. On those nights it is best to find yourselves inside by the warm fire and pray that your Gods protect you, lest the Goat Rider find you and make you account for your evils’.
Magpie – A Tempting Murder 5.6%. A lush tasty pumpkin spiced and vanilla porter. This won’t last long we can guarantee!
Apart from the beer, we have a fancy dress competition on Halloween itself (31st) with beery prizes for the best. Please share your photos and tag #aleoweenbf. So plenty of reasons to come and Taste the Dark Side. We look forward to seeing you all.
More details on the Aleoween Festival can be seen on the PINT Facebook page at facebook.com/teampint #aleoweenbf